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Debate No. 6

Debate Part 6 - A few pointers

As usual, thanks to the usual suspects, Miranda, Laura and Morgane, a special thanks to Elora (she knows why!) and Silvia, and everybody who actually bothers to read my stories and various ramblings...

As I read, "it was bound to happen", and indeed, there are now many Berubara "sexy" stories, and quite a few (including mine) which, without being solely sexy, include more or less graphic or implied elements of sex.  I am not going to start saying that I disapprove, especially since sex is a vital part of the original story!  As you may have noticed, I am all for exploring the many aspects of the story and the human relationships inside it.  To me, involving sex is just a natural step and should not be seen as "degrading the characters" or anything of the kind.  They HAVE sex in the original story, and any writer is, therefore, just rewriting how this happened with more or less success.  Sex is not anything writers or readers should fear, as it is the logical conclusion of a loving relationship... or the conclusion of a sordid relation of powers.  It would be "missing the point", I think, to create a deep story while passing on the sexual details.  The base of the story being the conflict of Oscar, raised as a man to deny any feminine impulse, is a sexual one from the start, and this "conflict" or confusion (although Oscar does not want to act on it) should not and has not been ignored!

There is, however, a point that was quite rightly pointed out to me:  in many stories, when Oscar does go with her feminine instincts and loses her virginity, this is in most cases accompanied with the loss of hymen and blood.  As I was told, and I thought about it myself, but ignored it (shame on me!!!), the fact that she does many physical activities, rides, got herself out of dangerous situations by extraordinarily demanding physical acts, there are indeed great chances that, even though she is a virgin, she had lost that delicate membrane to one of these activities.

So I will give you the same explanation I already gave:  for me, the loss of hymen is taken as a symbol of virginity.  Losing it also means that she embraces her feminine side, and this needed to be noted in a more dramatic way than by just some pain the next morning!  It also depends on the ardour or the passion (or violence) of the act, the age and the circumstances.

Another thing that was pointed out to me and that I always viewed as accurate is how the story is hardly "easy" or a "light romantic tale" (Fleur bleue, as we would say!).  It is, on the contrary, a serious, often harsh, thought provoking story, extremely hard in places.  Far away, in fact, from the romantic "ideal" love story many people enjoy. This is why it has fascinated me from the start, and this is also why I could imagine such dark atmospheres for my stories.  It also evokes themes which are hardly "childlike" and this adds to the challenge.  Many people were shocked, offended, other simply didn't understand.

Basically, what I am trying to say is that all subjects are worth being dealt with, it just matters how well you do it!  I have to admit that there are some constants and some values, the ones that make Berusaiyu No Bara what it is!, that I wouldn't touch, and that I think should be respected because they are fundamental to the story.  I don't think anybody has actually "attacked" the integrity of the story that way, they have just been bringing their ideas, point of view, and talent to keep us enjoying this extraordinary tale.

To all people who have read my page, I would like to give sincere thanks.  To those who share our devouring interest, and gave me their opinion, thank you thank you thank you!
Somebody asked me why I did this, and why I wrote about it in the first place.  Well, the answer is: I cannot get it out of my head if I don't!  I have always enjoyed reading tremendously, and, since Berusaiyu No Bara never got out of my head in years, I was always looking for sites, and especially fictions related to my heroes.

I have to admit that I was never disappointed.  There are plenty of very clever and talented writers/artistes around here.  And then, as I think many people who read our pages have experienced, you just need to read more.  You have to read the final chapters of THAT story, and you remembered that piece and you are wondering if the author in question has written another one...

Well, I do think this "addiction" is nothing but normal.  If you are sincere and interested in a subject, isn't the best way to learn about it to read as much as you can about it, in as many forms as possible?

The only reason why Fanfics exist in the first place is because people cannot get the characters or the events of a series out of their heads.  And, since this is for an artistic purpose (writing IS an art), it should be viewed in a positive way.  I remember when somebody seemed shocked that I read Fanfics about an ANIME... surely an animation is not worth THAT effort?  Well, imagine her face when I told her that, not only do I read what is written on the subject as often as I can, but I instigated my own site to put forth my writing...  After we talked about what is mainly an act of creation, and of cure (try to have story lines stuck in your heads for days!), it is all for the better.

I am sure all readers of Fan fictions can appreciate this.

And yes, I mentioned it was a "cure".  Well, there wasn't much of an illness to start with, because an illness would be quite negative.  Rather something that is in your head and creeps up all over you, quite like a virus, and that you have to expel using your trusty pen and paper.  It is tiring, it is annoying when you cannot express exactly what you think, it is obsessing sometimes, but it is always better than to have no heart or brain.  If you are suffering from the same symptoms... enjoy!  You can always rest afterwards!

I am sure all of view have actually seen the parallel between the unfortunate love of Marie and Oscar, and their realisation, even if this is twisted by Fersen being the object of the attraction for both women.  Fersen seem to be destined to be with Marie-Antoinette, and Andre with Oscar, even if the road is long and painful.

I would like to point out the similarities of the fate of those two couples, who are condemned to be suffering from their love (they can only enjoy it for a short period of time), and ultimately, they meet their horrible Deaths.

What seems interesting is that, when I mentioned "sex" in the previous part, it also came to my mind that, as soon as the relationship is consummated, then the fate of all characters is sealed and they are bound to die.  They have sex very close to the end of the story.  Maybe Antoinette and Fersen did a little while ago, but, even in the original story, this was treated as a gossip, and there was no proof to it.

There is a compelling parallel as well as to what the fact of consummating their relationships leads to:
A Change of destiny, or the following of a life that was destined to end that way?  In both cases, having sex represents the acceptance of the character's destiny.  Once they commit themselves, their destinies are sealed.

Having sex leads to Death, as the ultimate escape for this impossible love in real life.  Whether it is a warning about the dangers and implications of sex (this is, after all, a shoujo Manga), or an ideal way to reunite the characters and to mark that "Once you have achieved the perfect communion with your loved one, there is nothing else more beautiful to do", either way, the achievement of love is shortly followed by Death (eve if Fersen might have to wait a bit longer, there were no more affairs and he did die not too long afterwards in horrible circumstances...).

That's what I liked so much about the story as well, this desperate, tragic tone.  because you knew there was only one way it could finish (Of course, it is easier with the Historical Characters!  I was talking about Oscar and the other fictitious characters).

I have been told many things about this character:  That he would have been a good match for Oscar (not too sure about that one), that he was a Gentleman with good values, a great heart and not to repulsive himself.  Noble, he would be the perfect designated love interest for Oscar...

Well, maybe so, since Ryoko Ikeda did think so herself.  But there is just one thing:  he is SO perfect: young, noble, good looking, full of virtues, not too full of himself, romantic, etc... and so BORING!

I always was dubious about a man who always seem so perfect in all situations.  As Fersen is.  Also, the way the character was developed -or not developed enough- made him a very bland person indeed.  Lacking the fire of Oscar, or the insouciance of Marie, or even the quiet determination and desperation of Andre, I am not too sure he would have been perfect for Oscar, had she had his heart rather than him falling for Marie-Antoinette.  She probably would have fallen asleep and never woken up.

Now, I a not being mean to a character who, even if this is not my favourite, I do not dislike.  On the contrary, I think he is a good character... and this is the problem!  I think, in order to make all turmoil's all the more apparent, as well as the events happening, the character of Fersen could not be that developed, and he was not the one who should expose his feelings.  But he was extremely useful as a tool to help reveal to Oscar her feminine feelings, and make pain and jealousy rise in Andre.

But I have to say that, unlike Oscar, I never thought he was that fantastic.  What about you?

GIRODELLE (Continued/developped in Debate Part 9)
I just noticed something a bit strange but, in all the sites I have visited, there is basically nothing (especially not sound files) related to our pour Victor Clement de Girodelle!  I think this is a shame, because I like the character, for various reasons.  As much as I found Fersen a boring, easy to read as an open book, predictable sort of character, I feel Girodelle is so much more of an enigma, maybe even a bit tortuous, at least, this is the rendition of the character in the Anime.  Which doesn't surprise me that they turned him into a depraved adept of Sade in the horrible movie I will not mention, and this is quite a shame, because I strongly feel that he deserved better than that!!!!

Poor Girodelle seems destined to be ignored, but he is capital for the direction of the story:  When he precipitates Oscar's Destiny by talking the King into offering the position of Captain to Oscar (he doesn't do a thing in the Manga, but he does much more later on in the story that it balances it out) or when he constantly reminds Andre he should shut up and remember his rank and place.  He is always there, always efficient, always with white gloves (the guy is a living advertising campaign for Dry Cleaning), always discreet but always in the background...

When he asks Oscar in marriage, he also offers her her way out:  he won't pursue her, since he knows her feelings, but, should she consider to get married for herself and her safety, he is ready to offer her this comfort (and of course he fell in love with her, I refuse to think he is heartless!), and this seemed to me like the ultimate gesture of a Gentleman.  In the Manga, he even shows her the way when he declares "You can't give orders to Hearts", and this is this argument which will made Oscar decide what to do next, for herself.

Even rejected, after trying to kiss her at the ball where she was supposed to show herself as a woman, to which he came and didn't make a move or a sound, they, with Oscar, speak as friends, and this is Girodelle himself who directs the conversation to Andre (after he received the content of a glass in his face for being mean with Andre; he knows fully well the feelings of the latter) to get her to think about it.  Then he kisses her hand and leaves, knowing he will never have her heart, but the gesture is just beautiful!

I find him very surprising in places and very interesting.  What a shame the character is so under-estimated!
(I give him his own Debate in Part 9).

I already spoke a bit about the main differences between the Manga and the Anime before:  The Manga shows the characters as more "human" (there are more conflicts, Oscar seems more relaxed, she doesn't hesitate to laugh her head off or cry because she got hurt!), and this is a bit more "romantic" (ah, the scene where Andre is about to poison Oscar, or the one where they are both sitting on that little Sofa as Andre is reading a letter to her and she lets her head fall on his shoulder and he cannot hold his tears...).  Well, this is the aspect that is totally romantic, but, there are also many more intense conflicts inside the characters:  Oscar has real trouble with dealing with the interest of women towards her, and Andre, if he never seems to shut up, is very cute, whereas he becomes more and more silent in the Anime, but he is also a lot more passionate in the Manga...

The Anime doesn't show that excess, and the characters seem a lot more "sober" and serious.  Versailles seems a lot less impressive than in Ikeda's drawings.  This is not either good or bad, but represent simply a different interpretation of the story.  This is where I felt this atmosphere of "unease" and unhealthy feelings, even something quite perverted.  The way the characters appear, the places, the way the action is paced and set-up, and especially the way the Court is described is very much more "brutal" (and probably more accurate) than in the Manga.  Sometimes in various animations, you can feel that lack of means and capital prevent them from giving an accurate rendition of a Manga.  Here, the minimalism, either by choice or by lack of money, probably both! renders the atmosphere more "heavy" and makes this version a very distinct and personal one.  I remember this atmosphere really impressed me at the time.

And what about the voices?  I watch the Anime in French, because it is great to hear the language it was supposed to have taken place in, and the French dubbing is absolutely stunning, congratulations to all the voice artists!  I still remember Oscar and Andre...that was just a fantastic work!  So much more accurate than the English version (I am told!  do confirm this if you know!).

I don't think there is a single Fan who did not remember or was not stunned by this episode!  I was!  I was quite young at the time, but absolutely into the story, but I think I did not "get it all" immediately.  I kept thinking "No, this can't be what you think, they would not have put that in a cartoon!".  That was my first reaction: denial!  That tells you how shocked I was!  That looked so much like the primal instinct that it totally overwhelmed me!  Especially coming from Andre, who was suffering in silence and was quietly falling into despair!  Basically, this total change in role (Oscar losing control to Andre, on all points) was necessary -it is the turning point of the story- but this is all the rage previously held and the flow of feelings which made it magical...

When I read the scene in the Manga, I found it already a lot more romantic.  Was it because I already knew the outcome and the effect of shock had finally worn off?  (I still don't think I got over the shock, even right now!).  Andre talks a lot.  He tells her of his undying love in beautiful words.  He is holding her and crying in her arms, and this is terribly romantic!  They land on the bed because she attempted to escape his hold, it is more of an accident.  And the act of tearing off her shirt, even though it is of a rare violence, doesn't have the same shock effect as in the Anime.  Moreover, if Oscar is upset about this, she still can't forget to care when she enquires about his eye at the end of the scene, reducing the impact of what Andre just did to something forgivable.

In the other hand, in the Anime, where Andre, usually so talkative (always the correct reassuring word!), turns into that silent stranger, it is a side we didn't know, and therefore it is immediately more scary.  Then, he refuses to even answer her, which is something he has never done in the past, and savagely kisses her WITHOUT telling her of his love.  Then he PUSHES her onto the bed (whereas this is mostly an accident in the Manga), this is a deliberate act.  Is he thinking that the realisation by Oscar of her condition goes through her being degraded?  On top of the terminal hormonal case, that may be an hypothesis.

To say the least, the scene is much harsher because, if Andre does tell Oscar about his feelings, he still, at that time, doesn't show them much, since there is nothing loving or tender in his gesture.  But it is primal and lusty...

Berusaiyu no Bara; Lady Oscar: All Rights Reserved Ikeda Productions 1972-1973, Tokyo Movie Shinsha Co. 1979-1980.